Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Ethan has started saying so many words these last few weeks! His lawn mower blows bubbles out the side when he pushes it around and he will keep saying it again & again! It is so sweet to hear him actually talk and make words! He wants to dress up in his daddy's motorcycle helmet and he says "Uhn- Uhn" He thinks all machines that make noises are "Uhn-Uhns!" and he almost shakes and gets very excited to see and hear them. He also has started saying " Bla Bla Bla BUG." and points to a bug- he is saying something really important before the word bug, but I just can't figure it out!

All his words are: "BUBBLE", "BUG", "HOT", "MAMA", "DADDA", "OUT", "LOOK", AND "LIGHT"

It is amazing to watch him understand so many of the things that we say.
"Let's go take a bath"- He runs straight to the tub.
"Let's go change your diaper" - Straight to the changing table.
"Do you want to eat?"- Runs to the highchair, holding his arms out to get up.
"Outside"- Always goes to the door, and cries if we can't go outside right away!
Put your shoes on. Let's go BYE BYE.
Where's your belly, eyes, nose, mouth, shoe, sock,

He also uses several signs to communicate: All Done, Please, More, Sorry, Thank You, Eat, and Drink. This has been so useful for him to let me know what he wants without screaming or whinning!


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