Monday, February 06, 2006

Last Doctor's Appointment

After a week of agony...not in the way I felt, but in my anxiety levels, I went back to the doctor. I was upset because he told me the previous week that he thought I would go into labor that week! I had been dialated to 4cm for that week and now when he checked, I was at 5cm, 90% effaced. He felt like it could be anytime..but that's what he said last week. I couldn't wait any longer because I felt so much anticipation and anxiety. Dr. Singleton asked me if I wanted to be induced and I felt relieved. It was just the solution I I was already 38 weeks and ready to hold my baby! I told Randy, but I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone else. My mom knew because she was in the Doctor's office with me...but we waited to call everyone else! The next day, February 7, 2006 would be your birthday!


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